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Attendance and Inclusion

At Corley Academy we employ an Attendance and Inclusion Manager, Ms Nagra

The main role of the Attendance and Inclusion Manager is to support the well-being of young people and their families.

A key part of the Attendance and Inclusion Manager’s role is working closely with the young person, their family and other professionals. We know we support young people best when we work together, respecting and valuing each other’s expertise. We hope to be able to support young people by identifying the positive things in their lives, as well as the challenges they are facing and what we can do to overcome them.

Support for families

Here are some of the things the Attendance and Inclusion Manager might be able to support you with:

  • Leisure activities
  • Short breaks
  • Local support groups
  • Information about Autism
  • Managing challenging behaviour
  • Charity applications
  • Health issues
  • Attending meetings
  • Signposting to other services
  • Support for carers or young carers


The Attendance and Inclusion Manager may feel that the Early Help might be helpful for you and your family. The Attendance and Inclusion Manager may meet with you in school, but may also meet with you at home to talk about this process.