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Corley Development Plan

School development plan

The School Development Plan is central to meeting the needs of our students. It is based on the data and information we create around whole school effectiveness and efficiency. Where possible we look to develop a longer term plan for certain projects and the development of the school site. Some projects take longer to realise and save for.

The School Development Plan is driven by our Curriculum. It shows where we are working to make overall improvements. This sheet is set out using the OFSTED headings, linked to our school values and forms the base for planning around our current priorities. All staff contribute to this process along with our school self evaluation. Governors approve and monitor this document.

1: Quality of Education – INCLUSION

  1. Quality first teaching, ensuring that all students maximise their learning potential. 
  2. Maintain outstanding pastoral support, ensuring that all students maximise their personal potential. 
  3. Throughout the curriculum, which enhance students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and provide opportunities for reactivating and embedding prior learning. 
  4. Ensure that students’ needs are understood and addressed at all stages of transition.
  5. Ensure all students have access to the Curriculum and have the same opportunities irrespective of the Pathway they are on.

2: Behaviour and Attitudes – PERSEVERENCE

  1. Ensure that safeguarding and the emotional health and welfare of students and staff remain central to the school’s values. 
  2. Ensure outstanding SEND provision for all students.
  3. Ensure high quality autism education across all areas of the school.
  4. Further develop links with families and our wider community to foster joint partnerships for the benefit of our student’s development, health and wellbeing.

3: Personal Development – INDEPENDENCE

  1. Investigate opportunities for extending the school’s provision to meet the needs of a wider range of students to include a Vocational Pathway utilising Work Related Learning, Work Experience and the Life Skills Curriculum. 
  2. Ensure Post 16 students have opportunities to maximise their learning potential both academic and vocational to progress to meaningful destinations.  
  3. Continue to improve standards in Literacy, Numeracy to impact on student outcomes. 
  4. Ensure that funding, including additional funding for disadvantaged students, Covid Catch-Up and Pupil Premium, is allocated with maximum impact.

4: Leadership and Management – ASPIRATION

  1. Ensure the vast majority of students make or exceed expected progress.  
  2. Enhance the capacity of each subject to meet the academic and personal needs and aspirations of all students. 
  3. Ensure staff have access to quality CPD and are supported to make the next steps within their career. 
  4. Further develop and improve provision and outcomes through engagement in evidence-based research opportunities with universities.