Careers and Aspirations
Careers information, advice and guidance including work experience
Careers Education is taught within the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education curriculum from Year 7. From Year 9, these sessions involve the school’s Careers Advisor (Adba Shah from Prospects) and students begin to identify possible progression routes through Key Stage 4 and beyond. Close links exist between school and local colleges to support students in their transition to further education.
Please refer our Careers Education Information and Guidance Policy
Careers team
Sarah Rose (DHT): SLT lead and strategic lead for careers
Email: Contact no: 01676 540218
Adah Shah: Independent Careers Advisor, Prospects
Jade Davoile: Post 16 Lead
To contact any member of the team please email and our office will direct your email to the correct person.
Coventry & Warwickshire Careers Hub also publish a Labour Market Information Guide to help parents and students research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. Please find their guide below.