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Corley Academy is committed to providing the highest possible standards of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students. We expect the same from visitors.

Safeguarding Team at Corley Academy


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) : 

Mr M White (Headteacher)



Designated deputy safeguarding person (DDSL):

Ms S Rose (Deputy Headteacher)



Designated deputy safeguarding person (DDSL) :

Ms A Nagra (Attendance and Inclusion Manager -AIM)


Any safeguarding/welfare concerns are passed through the Safeguarding Team who are trained as 'Designated Safeguarding Lead’s' in compliance with statutory requirements. All concerns are promptly acted upon. If you have any serious concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Safeguarding Team via the school office 01676 540218, just request to speak to a member of the safeguarding team, or via their personal email addresses who know who to contact and are experienced at using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Should you have any concerns about a child, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team for help.

If you wish to speak to someone outside the academy, you can contact an external agency on one of the numbers below.

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), 02476 6975483, Link to Local Authority LADO webpage

Coventry Multi-Agency Safegurading Hub - 02476 788555


Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) logo


The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) brings key professionals together to facilitate early, better quality information sharing, analysis and decision-making, to safeguard vulnerable children and young people more effectively.

Staff from across health, children's services, the police, education, probation are based in the MASH at any one time at its base in Broadgate House in the city centre.

The MASH provides timely access to a range of partner agency information which builds a picture and enables us to understand the level of risk.

Information from different agencies is collated within the MASH, and used to decide what action to take. As a result, the agencies are able to act quickly in a co-ordinated and consistent way, ensuring that children are kept safe.

For those concerns that meet the threshold for Children's Services' involvement, representatives from the different agencies in the MASH and outside collate information from their respective sources to build up a picture of the circumstances of the family and the associated risks to the child.

As a result, better decisions are made about what action to take and support will be targeted towards the families who need it most. Feedback is also given to professionals reporting concerns.

The MASH team can be contacted via:

Telephone: 024 7678 8555
