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Meet the Local Governing Body: Corley

Welcome to the Corley Academy website. Please review the information provided on this site. We hope you find it informative and that it gives you an insight into us, the school environment and your child's learning.

The LGB is dedicated to working in partnership with our Headteacher, staff, and students to uphold high standards of educational achievement and pastoral care. Our governors diligently monitor the school’s activities through reports received at meetings and conduct whole-school self-evaluation monitoring visits on a half-term basis. Each visit focuses on specific areas: Leadership and Management, Progress and Achievement, Teaching and Learning, Behaviour and Safety, External Agency Working, and Curriculum.

Our board comprises co-opted governors, staff governors, and parent governors. Together, we serve as a critical friend to the Senior Leadership Team, supporting them in their efforts to enhance the school’s success. We are deeply committed to Corley Academy and proud to be part of this wonderful community.

If you wish to contact the governors, please send your correspondence marked as private and confidential for the attention of Ms. M Lea to Corley Academy, Church Lane, Corley CV7 8AZ. Alternatively, you can email, with "FAO Chair of Governors" in the subject line. Please note that this email is not confidential and may be viewed by our school office staff.

Maureen Lea

Chair of Governors.

Maureen Lea (Chair)

I have been involved with Corley from when it was a part-time residential school and have witnessed its many changes to become the school it is today. I am currently a doctor's receptionist, working in a local practice for 25 years. Prior to that role, I had an extensive career in Pre-School Childcare in private and educational settings. I have brought this experience of working and supporting childcare to the board to help continue to improve and enhance students' life experiences.

Stephen Rees (Vice Chair) 

My background has been in engineering, more specifically related to the automotive industry. My final post was Jaguar Cars, Browns Lane, as a manager and subsequently responsible for test facilities at Whitley and Land Rover at Gaydon.

It was whilst at Jaguar that I was first introduced to the possibility of becoming a school governor in Coventry. I made enquiries and my journey as a school Governor for the past 20 years (and counting) began. I have been a governor at two primary schools, the last of which I was Chair of Governors for 8 years, before moving to Corley 6 years ago. 

Now retired, I have more time to get involved and understand the workings and complexity of a school.

Over the 21 years as a school governor I have learnt the workings of the academic environment, so very different to working in industry, but most of all, I never cease to be amazed and impressed by the dedication, skills and the commitment of all the staff in the school environment.

Fabia Cipolat (Co-Opted Governor) 

Fabia has worked in education for all of her career, first as a teacher in the UK and abroad, and most recently in senior management roles within the specialist independent sector. She feels passionately that every young person should receive the support they need to allow them to fulfil their true potential and that young people with additional needs are afforded the same opportunities as those without.  She has recently re-joined Corley Academy as a member of their local governing board.  

Timi Hyacinth (Parent Governor) 

Dr Timi Hyacinth has over twenty years' experience in a range of educational roles, including: teacher, headteacher, IELTS examiner, programme leader, teacher trainer and educational consultant. Her PhD is from University of Warwick where she studied reflective practice in the context of English language teaching and applied linguistics. She excels in curriculum design, school strategy and teacher training.  She loves to design training materials and school quality assurance tools instruments. She is happily married with four children; two of them, biological.

Kellie Jones (Co-Opted Governor)

Kellie currently works within the education sector and had previously worked as a statutory advocate and lead for a forum working with a range of stakeholders across education, health and social care alongside parents and carers. Kellie is a parent and was previously a parent governor at the Corley centre and is now a coopted governor. Kellie has a keen interest in SEN education and is passionate about equality for all. Kellie has previously been a chair of governors at a primary school and was part of the governing body for 10 years. Kellie feels her strength is bringing a parent and professional perspective and is keen to support the growth and development of the school and staff team. Ensuring links with families are strong and young people have the tools to reach their potential and future aspirations.

Nicky McIntosh (Parent Governor) 

I am a Mum of two, and a museum and gallery professional. I’ve worked in the sector for over 20 years, which has included working with schools and encouraging learning outside the classroom. Until 2019, I was Community and Learning Manager for Culture Coventry Museums, overseeing visits by around 200 different schools each year, a family learning and early years programme and managing teacher CPD in partnership with schools. I also acted as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer for the Herbert Art Gallery. I now work freelance for the arts & cultural sector and am interested in ways that museums and galleries can advocate for and work with neurodivergent people. I also help with children’s work at All Saints Church, Allesley.

Mandy Wilkinson (Staff Governor)

I am the School Business Manager at Corley Academy and worked for Corley Centre 15 years prior to our acadamisation.

I have seen changes at Corley and feel very proud to be part of the school we are today. I was a governor at my children's primary school and missed being involved in school at that level when they moved to a secondary school, so when the opportunity presented itself to be a governor at Corley, I jumped at the chance. 

I have been a governor now for over 12 years and still enjoy the contribution we can make to the school.

Zara White (Staff Governor)

I have taught at Corley Academy for 6 years, having taught for 13 years so far in total. I am Outdoor Learning Lead at Corley Academy and am also responsible for running Bronze and Silver levels of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This has been very successful over the years, with more students being enrolled each subsequent academic year. To be able to run this Award I have completed the training and assessment for the Lowland Leader walking qualification, and enjoy running the expeditions that take place every year after the Easter holidays. I also teach Year 7 Science, KS3 PSHCE and GCSE Biology, and am a Co-Mentor for Foundation 1 and 2 students, so have experience of teaching and supporting students of all ages of students at Corley Academy. I have been a staff governor since 2021, and really enjoy being part of a governance team that is supporting the strategic direction of Corley Academy. I am also a mum of two children and volunteer as a helper at Rainbows.

Mark White Ex-Officio (Headteacher)