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Home Learning (Homework)


Homework is presented in 3 ways:

Weekly Maths and Reading tasks and a termly homework menu containing activities that are designed to encourage more practical and creative skills.


Your child will bring home a MyMaths log in. Work will be set weekly on the platform for them to complete and submit. Work will centre around content being currently taught aswell as basic key skills. 


As a school we’re delighted to be using a new online literacy platform called ‘Giglets’. Giglets is a web-based resource that can be accessed from devices like laptops, tablets and desktops using a browser.

Giglets gives us access to a huge range of fiction and nonfiction ebooks with supporting curriculum resources that we can use both in school and at home. It will help with building comprehension skills, reading strategies and to promote a love of reading. 

The Giglets texts include theme music, illustration, animation and audio to engage and support learners. All pupils will benefit from being able to change the font, font size and colours.

English homework will be set weekly on Giglets. This will include rereading or listening to the audio of a set text, completing a reading quiz and possibly some extension questions.

Once they have completed a task they must click the 'task complete' button to submit their work. 


Your child will bring home a menu and it can also be found on the school website (see below). They can select as many tasks as they like and spend as long as they want to complete them.

Each returned task earns them 5 compass points and a raffle ticket into a termly prize draw for an Amazon voucher. They can return each task to Room 5 or by emailing it to

If you have any questions or concerns or require log in or password details, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s mentor.


At KS4, homework is directly assigned by subject teachers, and students are expected to complete it by their next lesson. However, if the following lesson occurs within two days, this expectation is adjusted. Upon submitting their homework, students earn 5 compass points, which can contribute to broader rewards and recognition.

Evidence has shown a strong correlation between consistent homework completion and students meeting or exceeding their target grades. This routine of completing tasks at home helps establish productive habits, which are essential for effective revision and overall success, particularly as exam season approaches. Developing these habits early on fosters a sense of responsibility and time management that will support students’ academic goals.


Coventry Libraries provide Homework Help sessions throughout the city and also provide e-magazines that you can download to your device for free. Our e-magazines include Horrible Histories and RasPi.

Find your local library

To return a completed task: Bring it to Room 5 or email



For Mr Zinkus
The Superbowl is being played in February. Find out the following information:

The Superbowl is the Final of what Sport?

What is the date of the Superbowl?

What Country is the Superbowl played in?

What City is hosting this years Superbowl?

How do teams get selected to be in the Superbowl?

What team won the Superbowl last year?

What team has won the most Superbowls?

Investigate 5 rules of the Sport that is played in the Superbowl?


For Mr Snodgrass

Investigate a job in the theatre

(e.g lighting designer, sound designer) and make a fact file about that job.

For Mr Evans

See if you can listen to 3-5 different types of piano music on Youtube or Spotify, radio or even CD/vinyl!

Research piano composers and/or performers and create a fact sheet about 3 of them!

For Mr Gill 

Investigate how men, women and especially Children lived and worked during the Middle ages.

For Mr Anderton

Research and cook a dish that includes a fruit or vegetable.

Include a photograph of the completed recipe.

For Mrs Brooks

Take images of 10 objects that have different textures.

Using a pencil draw the textures considering mark making. 

For Mr Cresser

Using scratch online, complete one of the tutorials to develop your skills in programming. Screenshot and print or email your project with coding.

For Mrs Maddocks

Find out who your MP is.

Which political party do they represent? What changes are they trying to make in your area?


For Mrs Coulthard

World Religion day takes place in January each year.

Find out 5 facts about a religion of your choosing.




For Mr Cresser

Revise the e-safety content on BBC bitesize, then complete the test.

Print out or screenshot your results.

For Mr Anderton

Find and draw a product that contains a moving mechanism. Label what type of movement the mechanism makes and explain how the mechanism works.

For Mrs Coulthard

Diwali is called the festival of lights. Find out why.

For Mr Snodgrass  

As part of our Under the Sea

Draw, paint or design an imaginative underwater machine that can explore the oceans; you could look at machines, submarines or drones, viewing robots that already exist and develop your ideas from those.

Draw, paint or model a new sea creature from your own imagination that has just been discovered by marine biologists; this might mean that your creature is a complicated mash-up of several creatures, or it might mean that you concentrate on how it looks a certain way because of where it lives in the ocean.

For Mr Evans

We have been studying Folk Music this half term. Listen to some more folk songs using You tube or Spotify (for example).

Pick a favourite song, describe the story contained in the song and see if you can create a picture to go with it.

For Mr Gill

Create a poster all about

1) why you are unique and special

2) why humans are special according to religious people.

For Ms Maddocks

Make a collage or drawing that shows what makes you special.
Include words, images, or symbols that represent your strengths (e.g. being kind, good at drawing, or helping others).

Use magazines, printouts, or your own drawings. Write or talk about why each strength is important to you.


For Mr Zinkus

Design a Football Badge and Logo for a team (it could be a made-up team or an alternative logo to a real team).

Identify 5 skills / techniques that are needed in football.

(Challenge: identify 10 skills)

For Mrs Hickling

Choose a country - find out what theatre is like from that country and create a fact sheet with key information about it.